Although it seems self-explanatory, women’s self defense isn’t what we’ve been led to believe. Screaming “no” and running away simply isn’t sufficient to protect yourself from a would-be attacker. Neither do you have to live in fear, clutching your purse, frightened of every stranger you encounter. Rather, developing the confidence to walk through the world with a set of skills you have developed, instead memorized techniques you will forget right when you need them, will give you the tools to protect yourself as best as possible in any scenario, whether something pops off at a barbeque, someone gets handsy at the club, or someone decides to make you his on the way to the car in the Publix parking lot.
Because, like it or not, we are seen as targets by bad people. They think we’re weak, vulnerable. But just by making a self defense program a part of your lifestyle, you have proven them wrong. You will increase your confidence and chances of surviving an assault. You may even stop one altogether. How do we know this? Multiple studies have borne this out. Prioritize yourself so others see your inherent worth from afar. Make them cross the street when they see you.